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Thanks for stopping by. My desire for the visitors to this site is
that through the devotion thoughts and reflections, hope and encouragement can be found. If you find this site helpful,
please share it with others.
- For background information on the Audio Devotional site,
please visit the About page
- Each audio devotion segment is between 5 and 7 minutes in length
- The audio is encoded at 32 Kbps, so dial-up connections can
be accommodated
- Windows Media Player is recommended
for playing the audio on Windows
- There will be at most one
devotional per weekday (Mon-Fri). Some weeks will be less, depending
on my schedule and workload.
The most current audio devotional thoughts are also available through a
What's New?
- The semi-daily devotionals have been on hold for a while now.
- Link added to my (nearly) weekly
sermons on the left link bar
The following audio files are available for download to be played by
any software or device that supports MP3 playback.